Taking care of Gold-filled jewelry – Heart and Hygge Jewelry Co.

Taking care of Gold-filled jewelry

How to Care for Gold Filled Jewelry

Caring for gold filled jewelry is not too much different from caring for other types of fine jewelry. Here are our top tips:

  • Gently wipe your gold filled piece with a jewelry polishing, non-scratch cloth every now and again to promote shine.
  • Avoid wearing your gold filled jewelry in the ocean or swimming pools, as the salt water and chlorine can cause damage.
  • Keep your gold filled jewelry as dry as possible and away from pesky humidity! Make sure you store it individually in an air-tight plastic bag as rubbing it against other jewelry can cause it to lose its sheen.
  • Avoid wearing your gold filled jewelry when cleaning. Exposure to heavy detergents and cleaning agents can be detrimental.
  • Be mindful that perfume, hairspray and hand lotions may tarnish your gold filled jewelry due to the harsh chemicals they contain.
  • Gently wipe your gold filled piece with a jewelry polishing, non-scratch cloth every now and again to promote shine.
  • Excessive touching of gold filled jewelry, whether by yourself or other people, can lead to surface friction and discoloring – so try to avoid the temptation!